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(Terry Goodkind)

The tenth book in the "Sword of Truth" series continues the saga of Richard Rahl and his battle to save the New World from the armies of Jagang. Goodkind's style has evolved from "Wizard's First Rule", and I think that this is much more evident in this title. His language is more constructed and because of such it lessens the intensity of his writing. At times it appears empty and does not flow from sentence to sentence.
However the story itself is a masterpiece as all of his other writings. The brave Kahlan is depicted incredibly and Richard's heartache at being separated from her is captured well. Time is running out in the New World, all prophecy ends at this point and the fate of the world lies with Richard and his helpers Zedd, Ann, Nicci and Cara. It is a tense time and impossible to guess the outcome of the war. For Richard it is awful in that he is expected to lead the army, but he is plagued by memories of Kahlan who the rest of the world doesn't remember existing. Knowing she is in the clutches of Jagang's armyand he being hunted by a magical beast, Richard really does not have the best of luck as a wizard.
The final book is expected next summer and Phantom builds the reader up for the finale. A must read for any Goodkind or Fantasy Fan.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Wizard's First Rule

- A Primeira Regra Do Mago

- Stone Of Tears

- Losing My Virginity

- Son's Day Trip Of Terror

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