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(Jerson spider)

CONHEÇA The AMAZONAS Located to the north of the country, Amazon has area of more than 7 million km2, covering seven Brazilian states and nine countries in South America The region is covered by the Amazon Rain Forest and formed by the Amazon River basin, which, with over a thousand tributaries represents at least 20% of all available water resources on the planet. Due to its rich biodiversity, the Amazon is a huge reserve of natural resources-plants, animals and minerals, and directly influences the Earth''s climate balance. In addition to large areas of forest, the Amazon also presents cerrado and fields Rock, campinas, dry woods, igapós, mangroves, islands, river beaches of white sand, waterfalls, and rich flora and fauna, with about 30 thousand species of plants and almost 30 million animal species. The rivers of the Amazon is the best way to know the forest and observe the animals of the region. The tours by boat for igarapés, rocky outcrops and banks of sand is a great adventure, and there are still options for the forest walks, overnight in the jungle, focusing nocturnal animals, sports fishing and practice of canoeing and rafting. At the center of the largest rainforest on the planet, is Manaus, a city commercial joyful, whose name stems from the valiant tribe of Indians Manaós. Founded during the heyday of rubber, has been considered one of the richest cities in the world and coexists with a remarkable inventory of natural resources. Rich in history and culture have monumental buildings built with imported raw materials from Europe and decorated with luxury and refinement by the most famous international artists of the time, including the Palace Rio Negro who now serves as residence to the Governor of the State. It is worth a visit to the former center: moving the port floating and know the market for fish and seasonings colored, open every day, which offers a fantastic variety of medicinal plants typical of the Amazon. Manaus also has a variety of shops, as a large and modern Shopping Center. The nightlife is lively, especially on the road of Ponta Negra, an avenue along the river, and pleasant activities on the beach, many restaurants, cafes and homes nightly.

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