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Practical Exercises Of Group Dynamics Vol 1

This is a workmanship edited in 2002 for the Publishing company Voices of Petrópolis in Rio De Janeiro and whose author is Silvino Jose Fritzen. The workmanship was condensed and reformulated of one another book of the same Practical author called Exercise of Dynamics of Group and Relations Human beings. One is about a book that it looks to conjugate techniques and practical exercises of group dynamic, which has for objective the self-knowledge, one better personal Inter-relationship and the group integration. The book considers a variety of techniques and dynamic of group of the most diverse objectives, that go since forms of presentation in group, leadership, interpersonal relationship, auto-esteem, communication, union of team until motivation. Each technique or dynamics of group presented in the book, possesss a development of the same one, the objectives that are searched, the minimum and maximum size of the group and the materials that will be used during the technique or dynamics of group. The book especially is edited for psychologists, sectors of Human resources of companies, people who orientates of schools, professors, palestrantes and facilitadores. A principle exists that says that the differential of a company is in its human capital, that is, in its people, after all not if it can have a company notices 10 with collaborating notices 5 and so that the collaborators congregate conditions to make the difference are necessary the continuous qualification of the same ones and improvement of its abilities in the function. One of the great problems in the organizations is to know to invest and to structuralize the area of training and development. She is necessary to provide solutions in training and development, through the estruturação and rationalization of the training processes, application of focados programs of training in its necessities and with the development of tools adjusted for mensuração of results and one of these important tools is the group dynamics. Silvino Jose Fritzen possesss other workmanships with subject the same.

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