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Secrets Of Mind Power

SECRETS OF MIND POWERSuccess is strictly an individual concept. It is all a state of mind. If you have the ability, the right people will seek you out. You may have to make it your business to be in the right place at the right time to help them find you, but they will find you sooner or later. To achieve success what you need is organization of mind, positive thinking, positive doing & be likeable. If you have a goal in mind, do some thing about it. Don?t wait too long for the ?right? time, because that rarely comes. In most cases, the time is now. An excellent time saving habit to get into is to start things on time. If you are way behind in your duties then either you are attempting do too much or you are not organizing your time properly. Once you are in the habit of starting things on time, you should make it a practice to allow a little more time for any particular thing than you think necessary. Plan your day with ?cushions? of time, and you will very rarely have to suffer that breathless, rushed feeling. The penalty for going over the limit is too great. Tenseness, lateness and disappointments can easily be avoided if you use the ?cushion? idea. Don?t overlook recreation also. Just plan and organize your time to meet the requirements of any given activity .Don?t waste too much time worrying or fretting about past mistakes. Start each day fresh.There is only one thing that can help you avoid chaos in business and in life itself; and that thing is organization. Without it everything would fall apart. The world we live in, the universe, everything about us is organized. If you can manage to organize your mind, you will organize and manage your life itself.Basically organization is simply a question of systematization. The fastest, most efficient, easiest and best way of doing anything including thinking, is the organized way. In the age when efficiency and organization are virtually essential for success, be your own efficiency expert.Organized thinking really means controlling thought reactions properly, and solving problems in the most efficient manner. Organizing your mind implies heading toward a definite goal. If your thinking is just a day dreaming, in most cases you are heading nowhere. An organized mind will help in getting rid of fears, worrying, doubts, indecision & uncertainties in general. One faculty that really exemplifies an organized mind is memory. Anyone can learn to improve his or her memory. All what is necessary is a little organization.Now come to thinking. What is thinking? Thinking in the past is remembering, thinking in the present is problem solving and thinking in the future is anticipating. Effective thinking is an art, and an art must be kept alive by constant practice and use. Actually, besides the God given natural ability to think, two more things are necessary in order to think effectively. These are knowledge and Organization.When we think, we are actually talking to ourselves. Hence the more words you are familiar with, the easier it will be for you to think accurately. So make it a practice to work at enlarging your vocabulary. This is a simple thing to do, yet many of us are just too lazy to bother. If you want some thinking exercise, reading good books is one of them; another is to solve problems that have nothing to do with you. The people who become large successes are those who create new ideas. Large and small companies try to stimulate their employees to use their creative powers. So think creatively. Just as our automobile manufacturers have learned that they must streamline their cars so that they can cut through air with less resistance, so should you streamline your mind Learn to cut through the heart of the problem without facing all kinds of resistance in the path. In other words, learn to concentrate. Now replace positive thinking with positive doing. If you have a few problems that are bothering you right now, then go ahead and do something about them. There are difficulties in your path. Be thankful to them. They will test your capabilities of resistance. Just remember and believe that the surmounting or equalizing of difficulties is part of learning something new or different.Contrary to popular belief, repetition alone is not a particularly good way to learn anything. To repeat things in the wrong way help only to make innumerable mistakes. So don?t expect repeating something indefinitely to tech you to do it properly. Remember that without mistakes there is no learning. Each mistake spotted and eliminated represents another step forward. It goes without saying that your friends and acquaintances must like you. The way you look, the way you act and the way you talk are the three things that go to make up your personality. The way you think is what controls your looks, actions and words. You will improve your personality immediately if you stop criticizing. Another method of improving your personality fast is to stop talking about your favorite subject. Learn, also, to listen attentively. Listen well and you will be given credit. Listen well and you will talk better. Your overall personality is altered and shaped by your general knowledge & your awareness of the world around you.

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