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Who Moved My Cheese?
(Spencer Johnson)

Cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life ? whether it isa good job, a loving relationship, money, or spiritual peace of mind.Cheese is what we think will make us happy, and when circumstances takeit away, different people deal with change in different ways. Fourcharacters in this delightful parable represent parts of ourselveswhenever we are confronted with change. Discover how you can let changework to your advantage and let it lead you to success!This story issimplistic, but there are good philosophical points made throughout thebook. It points out these basicconcepts: ?They keep moving the cheese.? (Change happens.)?Get ready for the cheese to move.? (Anticipate thechange.)?Move with the cheese.? (Actually make the change.) ?Enjoy the taste of new cheese.? (Enjoy the fruits ofchange.)

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- Who Moved My Cheese

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- Who Moved My Cheese?

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