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A Brave New World
(Aldous Huxley)

There is varying opinion on the status of Huxley's view of the future as being great literature. The fact that Huxleys idea of things to come is an incredibly facinating look at his thoughts on the world to come.Thefuture is a cold, loveless and utilitarian exisitence where the citizens of London living sometime in the 26th century have a complete different set of responsibilities than those of today. IN many ways this new society that is free of war, poverty and sickness is much more efficient and happy than their current counterparts. Gon are things like relationships, depression and .....human reproduction. This in turn eliminates the need for love, families, culture, art and humanities. Sexand promiscuityis highly encourgedwith one condition....multiple partners. The expectation of this society is to not be involved in a relationship,however the human need for sex is just part of everyday interactions and are considered as casual as a handshake.
Not everyone is happy in this Brave New World. The main character, Bernard Marx does not like things the way they are. He has many issues with the mass comsumption of Soma, the wonder drug that keeps society in this eurphoric haze as the government continues to rule society by dividing the groups in to clear social classes. The Alphas, the governing sect that is unseen by those memebers of society, the Betas which are the educated and upper class, the deltas, the service workers and meanl task preformers and Gammas who are the drone like genetically enginerred muscle of the working class.
Human beings in this day are not born but hatched in government run institutions resposibile for the control and procurment of the human race. Bernard himself is an Alpha who reflects alot on the state of society in this book and finds himself growing close to Lenina who he takes to a savage community where people live in a normal human reporducing community. It is here that the reader learns of a resisident of the new world 's past. Linda was once a memeber of the London hedonistic society and her realtionship to John the savage. John is in fact Linda's son and through a series of circumstances they were left behind when Linda became pregnat. Prengnacy being the biggests shame of the future.
John returns to London with Bernard and to this strange new society he knows nothing of. THe shock of trying to adapt eventually becomes too much for John the Savage and he ends his life.
The novel is littered with Symbolism and has been interpreded by many scholars since its publication in 1932. Somethink it is the future of the soviet state other views have suggested like Orwell's 1984 thebookis the writer's interpretation of nazi rule (thebook was published in 1932 andcould not beinfluenced by Nazi history).One could argue is is a future controlled by corportation and pharmacutical manufatures. Thebookat any rate isan incredibly immagintive work and is considered to be a classic.

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- A Brave New World

- A Brave New World

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