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Indian Cinema
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The Indian film industry stepped out towards progress and success, and never looked back. Different genres have been popular in different eras. Initially, religious movies and movies based on religious text were more popular. Then there was a demand for historicals, and there was a time, when most of the films released had a historic theme. Then came the generation of romantic movies and musicals. Radio only propagated this wave of popularity, and Binaca Geet Mala only helped to further the cause, making romantic songs a part of everybody's life. This wave lasted for quite a long time. Of course, there were movies that cashed in on the theme of violence for justice every now and then. Superstar Amitabh Bachchan gave a whole new lease to this genre. Movies with actor-based roles came into being, and the theme of the 'angry young man' was here to stay, till date - these films preached that justice came at a price, and you only had to be true to yourself. There were no Technicolour studios in India, so reels were sent to London to be developed. Then came the era of Eastman Colour, and most movies were shot in the same.

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