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Tooth Paste Pattern

have u ever thought,how can two seporate colours can come out of a tooth paste tube, without having them mingled and stired?have u ever asked yourselves that question?take some time to think about that wierd phenomena.would you like to know the answer?so this is how it works:inside the tube you have two seporate containers for the paste,for example; one container for the red colour,and one for the white. when we squeeze the tube,we actually squeeze those two containers,and the paste comes out off both of them at the same time dircted towards the hole of the tube itself. closer to the tubes main exit,the two colours meet where they pass throught a small metal teeth like path which combine the two colours nicely together and thats how they come out nice and organized! i wish we all would be blessed in such relationships,where two diffrent characters of two diffrent people would meet and mingle and make as nice of a pattern for relationships.

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