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Beyond Band Of Brothers: The War Memoirs Of Major Dick Winters
(Major Dick Winters;Cole C. Kingseed)

The Emmy-winning HBO mini series Band Of Brothers, which shares its name with the Stephen Ambrose book from which was based, is a spell binding story, but sometimes strayed from the facts toward the light of Hollywood story traditions. This gave Major Dick Winters the opportunity to write Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters. Winters wisely uses this opportunity to reflect in great detail upon the self-sacrifice of the men of Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, as well as the great leadership skills that were necessary to them through almost every major battle in the European World War II campaign and into the history books. Valuable and exclusive insight into the torturous battles is given in effective detail, but the true beauty of the book lies in the style of writing and reflection in the last chapters. Throughout the book Winters takes an honorable style of writing by praising his men and ?noncoms? at every opportunity. He proves once again why he is a great leader because he never claims the glory for himself. And just like a good leader he unselfishly shares and reflects upon why he believes he and the men he served with were such great and respected soldiers and leaders. This makes the book appeal to both the history buffs, as well as those that are hungry for leadership and teamwork skills that can be carried into any aspect of life.

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