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The Clan Of The Cave Bear
(Jean M. Auel)

Clan of the Cave Bear tells the story of a young girl in pre-historic times who when separated from her own kind is taken in by a Neanderthal clan. She is very different from them and they view her with suspicion but a kindly clan woman undertakes to raise her as a daughter. The Neanderthals look to the cave bear as their protector and in their own way worship the animal. The girl very quickly learns the ways of the clan but also becomes rapidly aware of the differences between them and her. She is taller that even the tallest man of the clan and where they are all dark haired and have brown eyes she is blonde with blue eyes.The most senior of the clan has the ability to commune with the spirits and has a moment of clarity when he catches a glimpse of the future of human kind. He sees that Neanderthal die out due to their inability to learn new things and invent and the others, of which the girl is one, remain and indeed prosper.When her adoptive mother becomes ill she is forced to consider leaving the clan as without the clans woman?s protection she will surely be banished. By this time she has borne a child who has been accepted by the clan even although some of the child?s features are very much from her. Her son remains with the clan as she sets out on a journey to find more of her own clan but she never gives up hope of being reunited with him.Jean M Auel weaves a story around pre-history that is magnificent. It tells of a harsher yet simpler time of existence during the last ice age. The clan, its members and indeed the portrayed way of life are wholly believable. The thought that modern man co-existed along side Neanderthal is interesting and that one species prospered as another was coming to an end. This abstract was checked by WhiteSmoke Solution.

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- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

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