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(Ernle Bradford)

Cleóprata was the last queen of the dynasty Lágida, she was the son of Ptolomeu XII, born in Alexandria in 69 BC,it went up to the throne of Egypt in 51 BC, in accordance with the local tradition,she married withher brother Ptolomeu XIII, that it had then, 10 years only. After 3 years of Reign it declared civil war against its brother and comes back to the throne for Júlio Cesar, with the brother new, Ptolomeu XIV.Inherunion with Cesar, Cleópatragoes toRome, and she gives tolight ofPtolomeu XV Cesar (Cesário). In 44 BC, Cesarwas assassinated and Cleópatra returns to Egypt. Forher ambition, shemarried with Antonio, that he was governor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, infuriating the Roman Senate that declares war against them in 31BC. After the defeat with Otáviona battle of Áccio, the twocommited suicide.

Resumos Relacionados

- Pt.wikipedia.org

- Antony And Cleopatra

- Cleópatra, A Rainha Do Egito.

- Antony And Cleopatra

- Resumo Cleópatra Rainha Do Egito

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