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Tis book will take you for an adventure! It all begins with a little boy. He has to go fly back to his mom and dad. He packed his things and got aboard the airplane. The pilot started the planes engine. As they took off, they flew over the open lake. The pilot started caughing and weezing, he was having a heart attack. So then the pilot dies. The plane is still in mid air. The plane started to go down. The plane landed in the large lake. The little boy got out of the plane and swam to shore. He had to learn how to survive out in the wilderness. Later on in the story, he realizes that there was a health kit in the plane. He goes back to the wreck in the water where the dead pilot was. He holds his breath and goes under in the plane to get the health kit. He brings it back ashore. The health kit had a gun and a hatchet in it, and some other things. He made a hole from the lake to the shore where the fishes could come through. He cought one fish. He scratched the hatchet against other things close to the sticks. Thats how he got the fire started. Then he took the fish and fried it. He ate the fish for a hearty meal. The next day he got the gun. He went out hunting for some things to eat. There was a bird pearched on top of a branch. He aimed the gun at the bird and took fire. The bird died and hit the ground. He confiscated the bird and took it back to the hut that he built. He plucked the bird and put it on a rock. The bird started to sizzle and fry. When the bird was done he took out all the bones and ate the meat. The outside was cooked, but the inside was raw. But he ate a little of it. A little later in the story, a bear comes along and takes all the fish out of the hole he made leading to the lake. The bear comes to his hut and trashes the place. He eventually killed the bear. Then a little while later, he looked in the sky. There was a helicopter. They found him and took him to his mom and dad.

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