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Nasce Uma Esperança

If i would ask a question like that for you today: What is the most important thing for you? Certainly so many people would answer:My home, my kids, my wife( or husband), my car. The kids probably would answer: my skate, my video-game, my bike, toys and few people would answer: my health. Why the answers are so differents? Becausepeople have different values from others. And it depends of the moment that we are living. If we are in love it is clear that the person more importat will be the sweetheart. But if we are close to our family, our answer will change. The most important are my parents, my brothers, my grandparents. As brazilians are mad for cars, for so many people the most important thing is the car. For those who loves adventure, it would be living in travel that would be more important without anything to keep him, without time to sleep or wake up. There are people who doesn´t like their nose, their belly, their face, but if you would be on a bed in the hospital, your precious thing would be your health. So many people can think: if i could live again, i would never hadsmoken, drunk, nights awake. What is your dream? I would like to be child again, and in spite of difficulties, i would play endlessness without worry with my future. i would enjoy again the friends, the endless talkings, the created stories with our imagination. But as we can´t change our way in life, we can just remember and tell, tell and tell our stories, for people enjoy our adventures. Can you imagine this situation? The death takes two very young brothers, the sister is10 years oldand has to stay with an aunt in a different town, and her parenys die. Like a bad dream when you are falling falling and don´t have anythink to get. You can´t cry. After that you wake up with wet clothes, as you had fighted a big boxe fight. Without parents, nobody wants to take care of you, you can´t get a job because you don´t have any graduation, And person say that in the future you will be a thief, you will be like your dad, a looser. What would you do? I lived without food, alone in São Paulo city, without any place to sleep, and only with stars in sky. Loneliness with me trying to get me , trying to give me confusion in my mind

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