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The Purpose Driven Life
(Rick Warren)

This is a 40 day journey into a riveting discovery of purpose and destiny.Written by Rick Warren, This book embarks on a voyage of discovery to life's most imporatant question: Why am I here? The book stands out by pointing the source of life to a creator who made the earth where we live. It further asserts that we have been created for a particular purpose, You and I are not a cosmic accident, there is a greater plan for our lives.What will grip you is the amount of convincing detail against which you will mirror your life as you take it one page a day. Easy to read and relevant to everyday life, The Purpose driven life will indeed challange and open your mind to new perspectives on your existence on this earth. If you have been wondering about purpose and why you are on this earth, then you are at the right place. Hop on and buckle your seatbelt because you are in fora life changing ride into the Purpose driven life.

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