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Software Engineering - A Practitioner's Approach
(Roger S. Pressman)

Roger Pressman has written a comprehensive guidebook for the field of software engineering. It is used as textbook and as well as reference book in lot of discipline of Computer and Software engineering. The content is clear, understandable and to the point which is needed for any software developer and student of software engineering. The book explains the responsibilities of software engineer. In this book Conventional methods for software engineering ? Considers the traditional analysis, design and testing and metrics that are still used widely are covered. It also covers Object-oriented methods across the entire software engineering process, Component-based software engineering, Client-server Software engineering, web engineering and CASE tools. Everything being good and great this book has one problem. The example of software, which is used throughout the book, is not very understandable. The safehome example in this book sometimes becomes the problem in understanding the content and reader always tends to skip that portion. It also lacks the topic like CMM. Still I can say that this book can answer if anyone asks ?What is Software engineering and where it is now?

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