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Kelly Booker
(Sarah Dunbar)

Hi. I am Kelly Booker's best friend, Elizibeth Rontu. I like to write storys, so I am going to write a story. I want this to be the longest story I every wrote. First I have to pick a topic. I'll make a topic on Kelly. Now, alot of things happen in her life. I have to think of the most interesting on. I have an idea! The day Kelly got her new nickname. I'll start the story now.

One day Kelly Booker was walking along, talking to me, her best friend, Elizibeth Rontu. She said to me, "Lizzie, do you think, my life is exiting?" What was a girl to say to her. The most exiting thing she ever did, was ask Tyler Goodell out. BLAH! That wasn't even that exiting either.

"Wow! Kell, you are the most exiting person I ever knew, no one can ask a guy out like that." I said sarcasticly. "Well, I do have a way with words. That rock asked him out for me, like he was a beautiful girl and she was all dressed in flowers." I nodded like I knew what she was saying, but she tripped, over the rock, and the rock wasn't even a girl, I checked.

That night I went home trying to think of what kelly has done exiting in her life. If I didn't think of her, then I think I'll have to make something up, that had to be exiting. I was up until midnight trying to sleep, but all I had in my mind was what I was going to ask kelly to do to make her life exiting.

The next day I thought of something that might be good for her. I happened to pawn apaun her in the lunch room. Then the idea popped into my head. "Oh my gosh Kelly!" I shouted right in her ear. Then she responded in the silliest way saying, "What is there a bug on me?""No-" "Get it off get it off get it off!!" She made the biggest scene. So I ran to the bathroom dragging her right by my side. "Kelly, you may start a food fight and then stop it, and not only will you have done something exiting in your life, you will have done something that may get us both cool.

That day at lunch we were all getting lunches from the lunchladys, pretty much the witches of the school. Kelly and I sat down with out lunches and we started eating. Then out of the clear blue sky she lifted her spork, then bent it. I thought to myself, not today, not now!!! I'm going to get introuble because I'm with her!!! I quick decided to run to the top of the staircaise. Kelly looked back at me and she said, "Lizz, where are you going?" Suddenly I saw the sporksliding out of her hand, headed tward the football players. "kelly, look back!!" I said right before it slipped, but I was too late. Kelly looked back when it started flinging tward the head of the quarterback, Jaquse. I could read kelllys mind when she thought, "I'm in big trouble now, and its from the prinnciple, and Jaquse.


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- My World

- R. Kelly Is In The Kitchen Again (though Not For The Same Reasons We Are).

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- Chasing Daylight: How My Forthcoming Death Transformed My Life

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