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African Dream
(Tyan Wyss)

Extinction is forever and one peek inside the pages of this book will open up a whole world of African dreams as it tells the simple story of how one child wants to be assured that all the wonderful creatures now inhabiting the African wild will still be there when she grows up. This illustrated book educates children on how some of the planet?s most beloved animals might soon become extinct. From the magnificent elephant and brave lion, to the gentle gorilla and wily crocodile, all could lose out on their struggle to survive because of man?s greed and ignorance. Children need to be especially alert not only to the story happening inside the little reader?s handheld book, but also to the windows, which teases the observant child into guessing what creature lurks outside! African Dream is a reminder to all adults and young people that through education, we can still save earth?s most valuable treasure; its wildlife! This book is perfect for the classroom, the teacher, and any parent or child worried about extinction. Beautifully illustrated by the South African artist, Sarita Immelman, it speaks to an issue that cannot be pushed aside. Help stop extinction now!

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