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Rich Dad Poor Dad
(Robert T. Kiyosaki; Sharon L. Lechter)


Much has been written about this best seller, authored by Robert T. Kiyosaki.

It is a story of a person having a Rich Dad and a Poor Dad. According to me the subject of this book should be made compulsory for all College graduates. If the Graduates master the principles given in this book I am sure they will live a very disciplined and successful life with financial security.

This book should be particularly read by the Indian middle class. Till 1990 India was an economy where the Middle class gave importance to saving. But all that has now changed. The middle class has now become the ?Borrowers class? and most of the middle class families in India are now in Debt. Most of them have loans for houses, cars, material possessions and have hefty EMIs with the result that there are no savings. People should remember that India is not a state having social security pensions. Except for the Government employees all of the middle class people have to make provisions for their old age.

This book Rich Dad Poor Dad explains how wealth can be created. It also gives the basic definitions of Assets, Liabilities, etc. This book also teaches how to have Financial discipline.

Every person must not only read this book but master the principles laid down and the advice given in this wonderful book.

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