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(Raymond Carver)

Robert, a blind man, goes to visit a long time friend. After his
spouse of many years passes away. His friend a woman, is married to a guy ( who
is not happy about the stay of a blind guy). This blind man
and the women share letters back in forth over the years, but it's not your
ordinary letter-writing, it's letters recorded on tapes. When the blind
man enters the man's house, he is sort of freaked out because he is
blind, and he never being around a blind person, he doesn't know
how to react. They have dinner, and the guy goes to watch T.V.,
and the blind guy follows, and the man rolls a joint, and offers it to
the blind man, and to his surprise, the blind man accepts the joint,
and takes a hit. And this mellows the man out, and brings him to
a comfort zone with the blind man, and while all this is carrying on, the
wife is upstairs making the bed for the blind man to sleep in.
And she joins them, and smokes with them, and then she falls
asleep. The both men, stay up, the blind man just asks the man
whats showing on T.V. He asks the man to describe different
things showing on T.V., and then the man flips the channel, and it's a
show about cathedrals, where they are located, how they appear, how they
where constructed, what's inside, how aged they are. And the man begins
telling the blind man about them, and the blind man about the
cathedrals, that some had Gargoyles on them, the painting on the
inside the church walls. The man then tells the guy to
get a piece of paper and pen, and the guy does, and he tells the man,
that they will draw one together. And the begin, the blind man's
hand over the man's hand as he draws. The man looks at the
cathedral on Y.V. , and trys to get an idea of where to start from,
drawing a square first, windows, huge doors, and the blind man said to
add people. And then the blind man wanted them to close their
eyes and imagine them inside the cathedral.
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Resumos Relacionados

- Black

- Blindness

- Vision

- A Short Love Story

- Cathedral

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