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Courtney Love: The Real Story
(Poppy Z. Brite)

This colorful story about how one woman struggled to become a successful rock star after the controversy surrounding Cobain's death is funny, bizarre, uplifting and shocking. From the horrors and neglect inflicted upon her by the legal system, the educaton system, her parents and their friends to her stunning success as an accomplished singer/songwriter, this story will not fail to surprise the reader at every turn.

This book neither celebrates nor condemns Courtney Love and tries to get behind the scandalous headlines of the nineties which made Love out to be nothing more than an accomplice to Cobain's supposed murder (it was suicide), a golddigger and an opportunist. There is a reality that is brought forth by the writer, who also collaberated with Love on the book and was a close friend of hers. Fresh insight into the difficulties of being a woman in the music industry as well as the real stories behind her relationship with Billy Corgan, her marriage to Cobain, her drug use, her pregnancy, childhood, control over the media, music and band is brought forth.

I would recommend this book to anyone who would like to get an general impression of the American music scene on the West Coast in the early nineties. The book doesn't chronicle the entire grunge music scene, but does explore her impact on it as well as some of the relationships and influences that contributed to her development as an artist.

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