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Get Happy Now.
(Jagmohan Bhanver.)

This is a THOUGHT-PROVOKING book.This is not very new plot,neither this is rat hunt story.Then what makes this book so vital?
Written by Jagmohan Bhanver,this book teaches a new approach to face the mardern day jeopardies.The author is trying to say same thing,which is already there,but due to our approach,we all are shunning the thing. In our life,when we are in dumps,then we can't see beyond perplexities.This book congently tells us to change our approach toward sorrow.Author questions openly"WHAT's WRONG WITH BEING HAPPY WITH SORROW".

This book is very best for light reading.Because it teaches with real examples.Instead of running for Happiness,we must stay happy in sorrow time also. So author has significantly given the indifinite solution to a really big problem.After all life is all about changing our attitute towards life itself.
There are lot of other books about reinventing happiness and purpose of life,but most of them are real time fiasco.
In this race of modern civilization and pacy life style,this book by Jagmohan Bhanver is outstanding.

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