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Ten Years In An Open Necked Shirt
(John Cooper Clarke)

Punk was an era of originality and new forms of expression. Of all the innovations of the time, perhaps the most interesting was the introduction of performance poetry. Now, such poets are commonplace and can be seen at most poetry festivals. However, when John Cooper Clarke burst on to the scene, his was a style that had never been seen. Ignoring the highbrow, intellectual, angst-ridden introspection of traditional poetry, the author?s blended music and poetry, drawing an audience, not of undergraduates and culture-vultures, but of concert-goers and rock music lovers. With his irreverence, humour and punk attitude and dress, he brought poetry out of its ghetto and proved just how wide its appeal could be. For those unfamiliar with the poetry of John Cooper Clarke, ten years in an open necked shirt offers a good selection of the poems he composed between 1997 and 1983. Performance poetry by its nature loses a great deal when consigned to the printed page. This is not to say that it loses all its power, however, and it does give one the time to see just how clever the composition is; a time not granted during a fast-moving performance. There is no denying that those who have heard a poem such as beezley street performed by the poet will find it somewhat flat on the page - however, many of the twists and turns of the poem and the subtlety that underlies the seemingly throwaway lines can be lost during an oral rendition. From bizarre love poems such as i married a monster from outer space and i wanna be yours and from the urban alienation verses of evidently chicken town and i travel in biscuits, most of Cooper Clarke?s best know poems are here. Whilst his writing will not appeal to those who take the ?but it is literature?? approach to writing; anyone who merely loves words and likes to see how a talented writer can play with them and make them sing and dance will enjoy this volume of poetry.

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