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The Secret Raja Yoga
(Molinero - Yogakrisnanda (por Danuia))

Since Freud until our days, many famous psychologists have been busy trying to explain how our ?private machine?, the one that we call brain, can create ghosts; that our thoughts activate demonic elemental forms, and that recurrently the subject of the Doctor and the Monster is what populates our brain, when without the censorship of our conscience. These psychologists, if not wrong, are at least misunderstood, and this is what Raja-Yoga clearly shows because, if it is correct that freedom can guide us to the path of evil or to the creation of demonic elemental forms, it is also true that these same powers can create angels and reveal divinity. We come to the conclusion that the center point is the knowledge of how to use these powers for the Good, without the hesitation that can lead to a negative direction. We notice therefore that the first failure of the materialist resides in his observation, since his negative perspective reveals the demoniac part of Man, without worrying about the existence of any Law that compensates any demoniac tendencies. The materialist presumes having a firm opinion, however this opinion comes from a narrow point-of-view. On the other hand, the mystics is the one that trusts in God and loves others considering the Beauty of all divine creation. Understanding the past and believing in the future as the best school for Knowledge, Raja-Yoga is therefore a method of understanding how the physical, psychological and spiritual express themselves in both negative and positive ways, depending on the direction of our inner forces, and can be a method to find true happiness. For this union-knowledge, Raja-Yoga exists firmly on eight practices, which are: YAMA or command; NIYAMA or purification; ASANA or posture; PRANAYAMA or control of the prana; PRATYAHARA or control of the senses; DHARANA or concentration; DHYANA or meditation and SAMADHI or divine union. While the first two are based on states of conscience, the others are based on the search for a higher state of awareness and should be developed in another dimension. To end this abstract, we should say that the term secret is an arcane, an essence, and simultaneously the first concept of divinity. It's an approach, a key, opening the seeker to initiation issues, and to the doors of Light and Knowledge, which differs widely from the knowing in a material perspective.

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