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The Valley Of Horses
(Jean M. Auel)

This novel is a vivid fictionnal recreation of what life was for early cave men and women. It is the second volume in a projected series of six books which together give an unparalleled portrait of prehistoric times.We start the story with a map representing prehistoric Europe during the Ice Age.
This is the story of an unforgettable odyssey into a world of awersome mysteries. The novel carreis us back to the exotic primeval world we encountered in The Clan of The Cave Bear and to the beautiful Ayla as she leaves the safety of the clan who raised her and sets out alone on a epic journey of discovery. She meets a hostile land of glacial cold, terrifying beasts and intense loneliness. Her need for human companionship and love remains unfulfilled. She finds refuge and contentment in the Valley of Horses. There fate brings her a stranger, Jondalar. She will realize that she is not ugly after all, she will learn a new language and different ways of behaving. Jondalar will be amazed to see how clever she is. But Ayla will soon be torn between fear and hope. She will travel with Jondalar, will meet other clans and tell her incredible story.

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