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Socrates once said, "The price of ignorance is to learn from somebody who knows." So I have been putting his philosophy to the test in terms of Internet Marketing, over time collecting enough information to start a website specializing in ebooks with resale rights. ( http://www.transational.com ) I have also signed up for enough marketing ezines to fill half a gig a day in an email account as well as running my own. So I think I know what I'm talking about.
You wouldn't believe how many Internet Marketing ezines I have signed up for and actually read, getting all of those free ebooks for joining which I have also been reading. One thing that I have seen over and over again is the phrase "the money is in the list," causing these internet marketing guru's to go nuts over building their ezine lists so that they can sell all of these wonderful information products. Some actually have some pretty good information in them. Others are a total waste of time.
For starters, I get ezines that promise to teach me how to make a million dollars practically over night, which would be some great information, but in order to do that I have to buy an ebook a day for $47 dollars, written by these marketing guru's who have found and implemented the ultimate system.
I have also noticed a couple of things. There are two types of marketing ebooks and ezines, Informative and Not Informative. It's as simple as that. If it's informative, I will keep it and read it every week taking tons of notes to implement multiple streams of traffic onto my own site. If it's not informative, I will eventually click the unsubscribe link and try to do away with it.
There are a few that are tactfully done. These are designed by not only true marketing guru's but also professional marketers. They put in something worth reading, along with an offer of a product of some kind. Then perhaps another informative article with another ad after it.
Although this is an ezine that is professionally crafted to sell me something, it is also at least an ezine that I can learn something from. If only a snippet of wisdom a day, if I feel that it is worth reading, and even if I've read it before, I will keep you on my list. You wouldn't feel so intrusive and untrustworthy because you send me something worth reading first. I might even consider buying from you if your email is worth reading.
To those of you who offer nothing but a thirty day course in ebook buying, good-bye!

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