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(Marcelino Moreira)

One of the most curious facts with respect to the memory is the illusion of déjà-vu (the already seen), in which a person has a false impression of familiarity with situations which, however, are experienced for the first time. Studies about the memory still seeking an explanation for the phenomenon. Memory is the ability of the human mind to fix, retain, and recognize evoke impressions or past events. The task of remembering and its opposite, remember, are normally adaptive. The learning, thinking and reasoning would not be possible without the memory, but the ability to forget also has many functions. Serve as a time (because the memories tend to become more diffuse with time), as an instrument of adaptation to new learning (by the removal of old standards), and as a way of alleviating the anxiety resulting from painful experiences. The first experimental studies on the memory were made by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus. At the end of the nineteenth century, he planned and executed experience on the learning of nonsense syllables (in order to reduce the interference of the meaning in the processes of retention), which enabled it to assess the ability and time of storage of information, and the ease recovery of the material stored. The British Frederic C. Bartlett, unlike Ebbinghaus, worked with significant material: forms, photographs, figures which suggested objects etc. His basic hypothesis states that the person retains only very general schemes of what experienced before. The process of recall would thus be better defined as a process of reconstruction. Also in psychoanalysis been developed a theory of memory. For Sigmund Freud, the mechanism of the recovery of information and, in particular, the phenomenon of forgetfulness would cause as a factor of repressive character unconscious. In fact, many of psychoanalytic techniques are designed to undo this repressive lock that prevents access to old stored experiences that, according to Freud, never really lose. For behavioristas the mechanism of the recovery of information is built, especially for the association between stimuli and responses. The behavioristas and neobehavioristas explain the oblivion of the information stored by interference in the recovery process. Some authors, dissatisfied with the theories and behavioristas influenced by criticism antibehavioristas the American linguist Noam Chomsky, as well as by new theories of manipulation of information and communication, addressed the problem of memory, a new perspective. Studied the human capacity to process the information as part of the general theme of perception and appealed to the schemes of operation of computers to describe the organization of the whole system. Memory and processing of information. According to modern cognitive theories, which study phenomena basic intelligence as the perception, learning and memory, linking them to the mechanisms of computers, are three basic processes of memory: codification of information, storage and retrieval. Encoding is the process by which the physical input of information becomes an internal representation. The storage is the fixing of the internal representation through the establishment of relations between it and other representations that the individual has. If these relations are destroying, produces up oblivion. The process of recovery allows use the information stored when necessary. Regarding the storage of information, distinguish themselves three types: sensory, short-term memory and memory in the long term. Thus, the individual use strategies, from the simplest to the most complex and structured, to represent and retrieve the information it receives. These strategies vary depending on the type of information and purpose with which the subject is proposed later use such information. From this perspective, the process of memory acquire character dynamic and active, so that the system learns by interacting with the media and not by the establishment of connections between stimuli and responses, as both the theory behaviorist. The internal structure used to organize the information is continually changing and if reconfigure agree with each new experience. During the life of individuals, changes to the way of encoding information and gradually increases the number of concepts of which party, as well as the relations established between the different elements of information. The strategies are similar for all individuals, although its outcome differs according to different capabilities and circumstances. Improvements in memory. Studies on the psychological memory may have immediate applications in the development and strengthening of the capacity of individual memory. Most technical mnemonics (or memory) is based on the rapid transfer of the information contained in the memory of short term for the long term, using codes of information that facilitate retention. Some of the rules are more used to group the various elements that make up the information, find simple rules or by means of which

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