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A Women In Love
(D.H. Lawrence)

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First published in London in 1921, though completed in
1916, Women in Love continues the story of two sisters,
Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen who had first appeared in
Lawrence's earlier novel The Rainbow (1915). The sisters
are occupants of the coal-mining town of Beldover, and
their relationships dominate the novel. Ursula, a teacher
herself, is in love with the school inspector Rupert Birkin
who is initially involved with Hermione Roddice (a
dominating lady with whom he is not happy). Gerard Crich, a
friend of Birkin, is the other main character. He is
weighted down by the deaths that have occurred in his
family (he accidentally caused his brother's death at an
early age and feels guilty when his sister too dies, by
drowning). Gerard takes over the running of the mine from
his father but his initially strong position is weakened by
his relationship with Gudrun that in time is made difficult
by an emptiness in Gerard. Ursula and Rupert, meanwhile,
are married, and the novel continues to explore their
happier relationship.

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- Women In Love

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- Women In Love

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