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I saw a dawn dying in front of me,
I felt it buning in the deep blue sea,
I knew life was struggling for freedom,
God is including us in his kingdom,
This is not the end, It's just the beginning,
Light is alive. the church bells are ringing,

Holy men speak about salvation,
I believe faith is the only education,
Love for life and fear for death has no reason,
Man and world change every season,
Why do I have to be scared of my father?
When I Know, my sins are yet not darker.

Bad and good are false staircases,
They will lead you to infinite mazes,
I don't want to get trapped in this story,
future and destiny are baseless theories,
Birth of a new dawn is a unique reality,
World depends on your mentality.

Resumos Relacionados

- We Confess Our Sin

- The Star Shine Down

- Ephesians

- On Christianity

- Trilogia Sucia De La Habana

Passei.com.br | Biografias


