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Harry Potter 7

This seventh part of harry potter series is very much awaited.What will be the ending of the epic..
Here i have collected information from a site about harry potter 7.You can also visit this site for latest disscussions and forums..

The last chapter was written back in 1999; it dealt with "what happens to the survivors afterward"; the last word is scar; this chapter will still be tweaked
The book will contain a lot of the back story of the
has never performed magic, and never will, but there's more to her than meets the eye; the letter left with Harry on the doorstep was not the first one sent Petunia
is not a , but there's more to it than what we've read in the first books
will have their day"
No book character has returned from the future
There is significance to the fact that Harry has his mother's eyes
Speculation: book 7 will be released on 07/07/07
There is a frighteningly large universe of
which, among other things, collect and analyze interviews with

"Dumbledore's guesses are never very far wide of the mark. I don't want to give too much away here, but Dumbledore says, 'There are four out there, you've got to get rid of four, and then you go for Voldemort.' So that's where he is, and that's what he's got to do."

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