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The Penguin Guide To Using The Internet In India
(Pratik Kanjilal)

Anybody who uses internet is somehow able to find out the required information. Its all because of good search engines like google, yahoo or MSN search etc. so what would you find in a book titled ?Using the internet in India?. The history of internet and its basics are told in short. The use of email and the search engines is described in a very to-the ?point way. The chapter on online business is absolutely user friendly and mentions many useful tips. For a beginner, it is a must to be aware of the nitty-gritty and this book has definitely done justice to that. A step by step guide to build your online business with useful links is interesting.
The world is changing rapidly. We read a lot about home office. The concept is purely based on the use of internet and information technology. The use of mobile telephony also forms a part of it. Working from home gives you the freedom of time. You can also apply for jobs sitting at home. Many useful websites are mentioned which will be of use to the reader.
A lot of educational and entertainment sites for children are given. Interesting sites for women, contests, defense and security, faith, travel, health, history, media, money matters, music, entertainment, people, politics, arts, marriage sites are described in short for the reader to explore online. We should be careful while buying online. A lot of online buying sites are mentioned. Websites of newspapers, magazines, TV channels are very useful.
With the information available in this book, web surfing can be an altogether different experience. It?s a highly recommended book for those preparing for administrative services exams.

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