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The Davinci Code
(Dan Brown)

Dan Brown's "The DaVinci Code" intrigued me, and captured me into following along with the story. The story is based on fiction, on the author's imagination. Although the story is based upon a long time Christian myth, the myth holds no value. It is a story, one skillfully written, and put together by the author. I followed along as Robert Langdon got called to a murder scene. He followed the clues with Sophie Neveu, granddaughter of the deceased. I waited expectantly for them to find the proof that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. I cheered over each new clue they solved, and as they got closer I anticipated that I would find the proof. I was disappointed, and yet not, over the way the story ended. I wanted the characters to find the proof so the mystery would be solved. The author excellently crafted this story. However, I know that fiction has its place, and this story is just a story. I am concerned about fiction of this nature, and wonder what other active imaginations will cause readers to buy into not just for the duration of the book, but as an actual belief. A good book for the avid reader, and one that provides much thinking.

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