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(vikram sanghvi)

Today world is getting very fast. Today people are earning money and wealth at a brisk rate. our social life is being very much disturbed. Everyone wants to enjoy. People are not thinking of getting married till the age of 30-35. Also women don?t want to born child. They don?t want pain.
Today, the life of a married people is having many problems. They fight with each other at silly things. The main thing is the freedom. But tell you the worst is they are making divorce. There is a great increase in divorce rate also.
But the most important thing, which I want to discuss, is that the girls avoiding to born children if they become pregnant they go for abortion.
The population of Japan, US ,UK and all other European countries, we can say that there are more old people than young ones. If the girls will not born child and is not willing to have the blessed pain of giving birth to a child given by god then its really not good.
Also the women are now in the corporate and are doing good business, they have their own problems, and that the man don?t understand which is also the weakness of man. Everyone should have a legal responsibility to another human being. People in the US marry for status, promise to be faithful and openly cheat.
That is being going there for a while. The older people are living the urban areas and going to rural areas.

The population of Japan has been dropped by 16 million as given in the Japan times. Also its negative population trend matches those in the West, particularly European nations. Already in the English countryside, two-fifths of residents are aged over 50 years old. in European countries, the population is decreasing. So please enjoy the mairrage life and tell you something which counts a lot in Hinduism that what we do to others, same comes back.Take care of your guardians and your child will do same to you.

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