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I do not know what life means
Nor do I feel alive for the time being
Darkness surrounds me at every hour
And the abyss of despair is closer than I dreamt

Angel wings revolves my hair
And cold breath sprouts of my lips
While death faces me over the edge
My walk stops with frozen thoughts

I looked across a path of dead roses
And stepped through it without conscience
Not feeling the thorns tearing out my skin
Leaving a trail of blood behind my shadow

Finally found myself entering a cemetery
Where I kneeled on a cold gravestone
I looked for my heart in the darkest of nights
But there was only an empty space

So I cried in the darkness for everlasting love
And tears of blood ran down my face
Cursed to wonder around for ages to come
Searching endlessly for my love lost in the sorrow

Resumos Relacionados

- Poem: First Love

- Poem: First Love

- Love

- Free Falling.

- Linin Park

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