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Dom Casmurro
(Machado de Assis)

Bento Santiago, a mid-age lawyer, lives by himself in a good house, in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, where he is known as Dom Casmurro (Mr. Stubborn). To fulfill his monotonous life - a widow without children - Dom Casmurro decides to tell his memories, in other words, to tie the two ends of his life, adolescence and maturity. As a teenaher, Bentinho (young Bento Santiago) finds himself in love with the girl next door, Capitu. Intelligenr, with bold ideas, Capitu convinces Bentinho not to agree with her mother´s project, Dona Glória, widow and rich lady, who wanted him to become a priest. Bentinho is fascinated by Capitu´s firmness, her hair, her eyes (eyes of who had alcohol), and starts to know the rules of love. Life takes the trend that the beloved wish: after the theological seminary and the law school in Sao Paulo, they marry. Life is happy until the day that jelousy - of everything and everyone - appears. Love story turns out to be a cheating suspicion story. Jeaulosy makes of Bento Santiago a cruel and bad man. He doubts if little Ezequiel is his son, or his friend Escobar´s, with whom the child is very alike. Bento Santiago imposes separation to Capitu. Before society, the rich lawyer was sending his son to study in Switzerland, accompanied by his mother. Bentinho never sees Capitu again, who dies in Europe. He sees his son only once more, befor the young man dies of tip, during a scientific trip to Jersualem.

Resumos Relacionados

- Love Of Capitu

- Dom Casmurro (resumo)

- Dom Casmurro

- Dom Casmurro

- Dom Casmurro

Passei.com.br | Biografias


