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Hitchiker's Guide To Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

"Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is a movie based on a
bestseller novel by Douglas Adams.>The movie itself is a
funny comedy about adventures of Arthur Dent and Ford
Prefect, which travel through the universe after
destruction of planet Earth, using the Hitchhikers Guide to
Galaxy. Everybody can have a bad day - u wake up too late,
hit your fingers, burn the toasts you are having for
breakfast... but Arhtur Dent's having a nightmare of a day.
His house is bound to be demolished, he discovers that his
best friend is an alien, and that the Earth itself will be
destroyed to make room for the Galactic Highway. Only hope
for survival forArthur is to hitch a ride on some
spaceship. When Earth ceases to exist, Arthur begins his
life anew, travelling around Universe, learning about the
meaning of life. All the knowledge that he will ever need
is contained within one book - "The Hitchikers Guide to

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- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Famous Hitchhiker's Guide

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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