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The Bible

This is the most astonishing book.it has no day of editing ,no day of publishing ,no day of launghing .science has never defind the word life this book has just done that .The book has existed from generations and generations but it's value has never lost taste.the bible say's in the begining was the word the word was with GOD and the word was GOD.THIS TALKS OF IT'S AUTHENTICITY AND IT'S FALUABILITY.
The word of GOD scientifically and acheologically it's facts and pionts as proclaimed by the book have been fulfilled and still fulfilling.This book has two testerments the new and the old .The book has that power to heal the sick ,uraise the death,bring relief to the oppressed,bring liberation to the captive .This facts have been socially and economically prooven.
As for me this book has pooven it's ability to provide even for those who are in need.ti's say's that i am the lord your provider.In HEBREW it means jehovah jireh.people from thousands of different cultures have believed in the provinding power of this book .the messages behind the book are law and the always come to pass if the reader believes and puts them into practise.
The bible has cuasesd ovper half of the world to became as peacefull as it is today.I has unitede nations ,countries ,tribes and calns.it has the power to give peace to this dying world of today.
The medical field believes of it's power to heal deseases which have not been scientifically proven healable.stastistically over 20% of medical cases have been met up.
The bible is that book which the world needs today to camue out from it's agony ,storms,pains, floods,wars,and all other form of calamity.

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- The Bible

- Bible

- The Holy Book

- The Bible

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