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I Should Have Listen To Daddy

She cried because her father insisted on his deathbed that she shouldn?t marry Michael. She was madly in love with him, however, and two month after her fathers death she wedded Michael at saint Mary?s catholic church, ?I regrets that my children will not grow up in a home without love of both parents; were her words to me. This was her greatest pain, she felt though it was far from the complete picture. In tears she told me how Michael has broken his vow to love and cherish her, for better for worse, how she was battling physically and mental exhaustion from incredible financial stress. She describe the pain of loneliness and the psychological abuse her two boys experience at school at their peers.

She had been single mother for two years and still hadn?t stopped crying at night. Her marriage, family, beautiful home and financial security had all disappeared with Michael slamming the door.
Do not forsake the instruction of your parents (especially your father0, as parental consent is very important in any marriage no matter how illiterate and old fashioned your parents may be, when it comes to marriage, their concern is vital because they are instrument to God?s guidance you may not understand your parent?s view of the relationship because love and romance may be clouding your judgments.

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