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The Scralet Letter
(Mark Twain)

This Is a story about a young lady named Hester and her daughter named Pearl. Hester was early sent to Boston,MA by her husband, Charles Cummings. She didn't have any love for him, but she married him anyway. When she reached the US she met a man, Rev. Dimmesdale. They are the ones who had feelings for each other. Later down the line they commited adultry because Hester was still married to Charles. The community found out what hester did because she had Pearl. Everyone knew that Hester's husband was gone so they knew she cheated. She was taken to trial and they tried to convince her to tell whom she committed adultry with, but she didn't sqeal. She also noticed that Charles was there, but he silenced her. As a sentence to hester's crime she had to wear a letter "A" across her chest.Hester thought she didn't need it because she had Pearl. That same night, Charles went to see Hester as a doctor and told her that he will find out who she cheated on him with and make him suffer.
As days went by Rev. Dimmesdale became pale and sick. They suggested that Charles should with him since he's a doctor. This was a big mistake. One night Dimmesdale went for a walk and ended up at the scaffold where Hester was standing with Pearl. Later Charles came and saw the Dimmesdale and suggested he was sleep walking. Charles found out that Dimmesdale was the man Hester cheated with and like he said, Charles made him suffer. Hester thought he did enough because the reverend was starting to look bad, sick and pale. Charles liked what was going on and wanted it to continue. One day Rev. Dimmesdale became brave enough to come clean. At service he begain to lecture, driving his way to revealing his secret. Charles tried to stop him but Dimmesdale continued with his speech. All of a sudden he called Hester and Pearl to the scaffold. He wrapped his arms around them stiil talking and revealed his secret. He opened his shirt revealed the "A" what he should've had and passed over.

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- The Scarlet Letter

- The Scarlet Letter

- The Scarlet Letter

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