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The Book " To Will Contiguous In The Nightingale "

The book " to will contiguous in the nightingale "
describe from her point Of View of little girl in town of
ranquility is pastoral in the south United States, the fetus on Mshphta when her fathers is white " become to the defense counsel of black accused person in the rape of white girl. The book, the written in the innocence and in the humor, deals with the problem of the racism in United States relevant issue also nowadays. In the course of the sentence, it is clear to all because can't be hated Robinson ( the defendant ) indeed executed the deed in him he is condemned, but the jury, in spite of you understood him this, is not able to go out versus the agreed the social by which word of black person will be always worth inferior from word of white person
And therefore TOM Robinson is condemned in the rape in spite of that clear as sun for all inhabitants of the town, to the jury and to the judge that not rapist. The distortion that in the emphatic situation even more on background of the tranquility are familial the foe in the town in her all of them recognize all of them, but clear to all because there is like these that equal inferior, and clear absolutely what place of every person in the hierarchy, according to color arose. The book leaves the reader with there will be the relevant also to summon us we, if also we are customs ac
Is it correct also we are customs in the absurd racism with regard to certain people and not able to see the reality as she? Is it correct could be that we not the enlightened people that we were want to be, and at the time narrow is addressed her a conception of narrow world? The book, that was published by the year of 1960, won in the prize

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