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The White Masai
(Corriane Hoffman)

While on holiday in Kenya with her boyfriend, Corriane Hoffman spotted a Masai warrior, whom she described as tall, lean, and totally sumptuous. She fell instantly in love with him, broke up with her boyfriend and pursued this warrior relentlessly. She got her man, moved in with him and his mother for nearly four years. Now ordinarily if this is fiction , it will still be an interesting book to read, but what makes it extraordinarily interesting is that it is based on an actual story. The consequence of this book is that it examines social anthropology. After nearly four years of marriage, she took her little daughter and went back to her country. The book in itself is a trilogy and having read the first book, I am waiting eagerly for the publication of the second book which should be in the U.K. late October or early November 06. This one chronicles both her and her daughter's return to Kenya after an absence of nearly 14 years. The most interesting aspect about the book was her perseverance in ensuring that she got her man, she could be perceived as a very strong will, strong headed woman or a woman who is totally blind to the intricacies of the traditions of another culture. I must admit I was totally into the book from the first page on to the last, but not too sure that I admired the writer's tenacity, but it is still a joy to read. This book is A must read, this book is A must read!! This is interesting book written by Corinne Hoffman, a Swiss woman.

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