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The current debate on Islam?
(A Islamic friend)

The current debate on Islam is very interesting, to say the least. The whole idea is to examine the religion and civilization from two perspectives: the insiders, meaning the Muslims themselves, and the outsiders (our friends who happen to be non-Muslims) and then contrast the two perceptions. What will result is anybody''''s guess. We hope this will open a frank dialogue between the two sides. A frank dialogue is badly needed to start healing the wounds of contemporary conflicts involving the Muslims. Any suggestions? More importantly, please express yourself regarding this significant religion and civilization. All are welcome indeed. I for one am more than open to criticism of actions taken under the label of Islam like Al Qaeda. Internal debates notwithstanding in the Islamic world, there is need to open up to outsiders. This is the least that we can do. So dear friends, join in and comment about Islam. A little soul searching on the part of everyone is the need of the hour. More serious retrospection can indeed result from such exercises.

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