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(Bertolt Brecht)

It is some years since I read Galileo by Bertolt Brecht so my memory of it is a bit hazy, however I do remember that it was quite an enjoyable and interesting play. In the middle ages men believed that the planets and the sun revolved around the earth and this view was strogly reinforced by the Catholic Church. However with the advent of the Renaissance and the scientific spirit of enquiry from c13 on, astrologers began to challenge this world view. Galilio following Copernicus, or Copper Knickers to his friends, stated that based on scienctific observation, in fact the earth and the planets revolved around the sun. To say this at time in Italy was heresy and Galileo was hauled before the Pope to account for his views. The play's action focusses on the events surrounding this audience and I will leave it to you to read on to find out what happened in the end. Did the astrologer recant his statement and thus plunge the scientific community into further centuries of darkness or did he hold on to his views and become yet another human bonfire on the landscape of pre-reformation Europe? You decide! Vote 0845 299 311 for YES and 0845 299 312 for NO.

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