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A Poem To My Love

There is a place in space and time there is a way that is so sublime. There is a feeling that cries out to tell to one so close yet still bound in spell. There is a truth that can be felt yet so bold so heavely that cannot be telt. To one estranged and now far away tis only the higher self that now can sway. So brave and courageous I walk this Light until God in victory can win this blight. My walk has cleared the way but now who is there to stay. To stay to walk my way not in the act or the play. But in the Truth of Spirit proud that in this life each other stood out. And we noticed and claimed the awesome Truth proclaimed. Breaking the fears and shackes firm rising above the story line birm. To walk in the Observer of reality pure and hold each other forever sure. Sure that the Truth be told that it was only the play that was so cold. That warmth and unity is beyond the play that you and I are here to stay. United, long lasting forever secure in Sacred Partnership so sweet and pure. Come to me, becon me now rise into the Light and find me somehow. Created for the only One for me, sent out with an Eternal plea........ come to me and We will BE!

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