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The Secret
(Authors various)

"Science without Spirituality is madness, Spirituality without Science Is fanaticism. " Thomas Edson. " The Secret. Welcome to the Earth planet! There is nothing you can not be, do or have. You are a magnificent creature and is here for his powerful and deliberate desire to be here. Go ahead, paying attention For what you want by attracting experiences to help you decide what you want. The secrecy has always existed throughout the history of mankind. When discovered was desired, coveted, deleted, hidden, lost and now recovered. Now for the first time in history being disclosed to the world. Several men and women exceptional in the history of humankind discovered and used this secret, but finally all the pieces lost and scattered in various religions and philosophies have been meeting this fabulous and incredible revelation. Briefly the secret is the universal law of magnetic attraction. Don''''t we compete discover the "how" it works nor the "why" We just enjoy this force of the universe. The strength of attraction magnetic where each thought our emits a wave that will attract their corresponding form. We believe in the law of cause and effect on a new prism or about a new consciousness and from now will be the law of thinking and attract, then is simple, you must think and this act creates a universe attracts a cause and effect. It is the real new energy, proclaimed by so many and so many prophets and visionaries of our times current and former. This is the beginning of such dreamed "New Era". The moment that every human being recognizes that their happiness depends solely and exclusively himself, thoughts of his (wishes). All your thoughts generate magnetic waves and this can be proven in tests, CT Magnetic, electro-encefalograma and many other modern methods of Diagnoses of medicine. But they are in search of Quantum Physics that these magnetic waves become more apparent and can be measured and classified in a table so, we can draw the "emotions". The simplest way, To understand the effect of the secret is to imagine that we are a magnet that attracts objects, people or events. The magnetic energy works all the time, 24 hours a day always attracts What we think, even if we believe in it or not. And it is here that we must devote as much of our attention and awareness, as the attraction occurs whether we want or do not want, we know or not, whether something bad or good. And this occurs even when we are thinking of something the past, present or future, which we think will happen in time of the verbal thought. You do not need to understand how it works or what is the law of attraction or big secret, you should just enjoy it; -- There is a time to respond to every thought, and thus any something you think will always have time to fix; -- The law of attraction works at all times, past, present or future, so if you think or remember to be something of the past issuing magnetic waves that will seek an event equal to You had in the past. -- The law of attraction does not distinguish what is good or bad, negative or positive for the fact that it means that you think you want. So do not think of you do not want. -- The law of attraction is universal and thus always works in any person. -- To know that the law of attraction is simply acting to provide the attention their emotions, whether they are positive they are working, if they are negative, you are on the wrong track.

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