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The Five People You Meet In Heaven
(Mitch Albom)

There were three moments of insight in my life, which helped to shape my philosophy as an adult. The first moment was when I realized with startling clarity the true definition of courage. Courage, I concluded, was toiling everyday to take care of one?s family and loved ones, never succumbing to life?s burdens and always putting one?s own interests last.

The second moment was when I discovered that we all touch many more lives than we think, during the course of our own lives, despite the fact that many of us believe that our lives are insignificant.

The third moment was when I came to the understanding that often we judge prematurely, although we might be unaware of the reasons for a person?s actions. This is, perhaps, the hardest of the three insights to internalize, and is probably responsible for much of the misunderstandings and strife in the world.

Mitch Albom?s inspiring and compelling book, ?The Five People You Meet in Heaven?, is about all these things. It is also about love, forgiveness and acceptance. This story will appeal to all who feel that they are not fulfilling their dreams and, therefore, are leading meaningless lives. It will also appeal to all of us who have regrets about our childhoods and unresolved issues with our parents.

Some people who read the book have expressed disappointment with the heavenly encounters of the protagonist Eddie. It is understandable that it might have seemed a bit anti-climatic, given the awesome implications; however, it might simply be beyond any writer?s ability to meet the lofty expectations some might have of the hereafter.

On the other hand, I was riveted by the passages in which Mr. Albom gradually reveals details of Eddie?s life in chronological order. Through his life, we delve into a number of aspects of the human condition and the reader can relate to Eddie on several levels.

The book reminded me, once again, of the utter absurdity of war, as it harrowingly depicts the dehumanizing effect of warfare. In the end, no one is spared and all are scared for life.

Mr. Albom unflinchingly explores a facet of life from which most people re-coil, because of the obvious implications, and we discover that Eddie has suffered emotionally from his relationship with his father. As the father of three young children, who worries about making mistakes and not always doing the right thing, Mr. Albom?s words helped squelch some of my concerns. It occurred to me that once we accept the inevitability of what he expounds, then we can focus on minimizing the damage and being the best parents possible.

The reader sees that Eddie?s relationship with his father epitomizes a dynamic that exists between most men and their fathers. This was especially poignant for me, as I reflected that I am just starting to come to terms with my relationship with my own father, who has been dead for eighteen years. Eddie learns that salvation comes from forgiving those who have hurt us and understanding that we cannot know all of the myriad factors that influence a person?s behavior.

Ultimately, the story is a tribute to all the unsung heroes of the world, like Eddie, who never fulfilled their dreams, because they got sidetracked taking care of their loved ones and helping others. The real glory in life is performing the everyday duties that make countless people happy, especially children. Therein lies the true definition of a meaningful life.

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- The Five People You Meet In Heaven

- The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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