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Alexander's Psychology, The Centaur Emperor
(Cassiano Ribeiro Santos)

Almost as legendary as Alexander the Great, was Bucephalus, his impetuous horse. A merchant had introduced it to Phillip pf Macedonia who wished it immediately, but there was a problem: nobody could ride it, all that tried were thrown to the ground. Phillip had already gave up on it when Alexander offered to ride it. Alexander realized that the animal was afraid of it?s own shadow. To tame it he blocked his side view and rode against the sun. Alexander conquered the than know world on Bucephalus back. There are no secure sources about Alexander?s end. It is known that he disappeared on a campaign beyond India, submitting and converting to helenism all he found (every stories about his death are legends). I would to see a map with the precise itinerary of his journeys. It is known that he always rode east and that his latitude variations always matched with the winter, when the sun wasn?t shining, and he would never go back. I imagine him riding with loose reins. Bucephalus guiding him to his conquests always forward to the east were the sun rises, running from his obstinate shadow. The greek warriors who followed Alexander to the end of the world, tired and home sick would ask him about returning to Greece. Alexander might not have been aware that he too feared his own shadow. Living of past glories, from the memories that the illuminated days would cast on his obscure old age, would be for him a source of terror! A strange instinct bounded the emperor and his horse. When I was a boy and a voracious reader of encyclopedias, I often dreamt with major History personalities, and I once dreamt of Alexander in the shape of a centaur ? the shape my subconscious found to illustrate the communion of instincts between the emperor and his horse. This dream impressed me such that I found a plastic toy Indian and a horse and I sawed the Indian bellow his waist and glued it to the horse and made a miniature of that centaur emperor and I keep it always by the window through which shines the same morning sun that shinned one day over Greece.

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