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An Orthodox Jewish Woman, And Soon, A Spiritual Leader

Dina Najman has devoted the last 15 years of her life to studying and teaching Jewish law and ancient Jewish texts. But as a committed Orthodox Jew, she never saw herself leading a synagogue one day.
?I never thought it was actually possible,? she said.But next month, Ms. Najman (pronounced NIGH-man), 38, a wife, a mother of three and an expert in Jewish bioethics, will become the spiritual leader of Kehilat Orach Eliezer, a small Upper West Side congregation. She will not be called rabbi; instead, she has been given the title of rosh kehillah, or head of congregation. It is the highest position in the community, and she will be performing many of the functions of a rabbi, within certain limitations that have been laid out by the congregation?s leaders in an effort to abide by Jewish law.

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