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The Blonyx Family
(Share Grazey)

Mr. and Mrs. Blonyx were married and have 2 male children. The eldest Rheuben, age 6, and the younger Joseph, age 1 year. Mrs. Blonyx met a christian gentlemen in Chattanooga, TN. The gentleman's name Samuel , teacher for the church called The House Of Prayer. (Non-denominational) Everyone, every race, creed, religion, and doctrine was invited to attend. This couple was introduced to another couple that lived directly across the stairway from the Blonyx's apartment complex but neither of them had met until this particular at the church. This couple's name was Bartholomew and they had one child Felicia. Felicia was 3 years old.
At the church everyone was trying to receive the Holy Ghost. They were sprinkled with oil (black) and some of the people began to speak in another language. Some of them began howling as the song leader began to sing.
Mrs. Blonyx started to feel strang and began to complain to the neighbor as they journeyed to the same complex together. One day sister Bartholomew was lead to the Blonyx's home and asked if anyone was sick as she felt lead to pray. There was someone sick there visiting the Blonyx's home Sandra Lane. Sandra Lane had come to visit with her old time school chum Mrs. Blonyx. Mrs. Blonyx trusted Sandra Lane as they had grew up together, went to school together, wore each other's clothing etc. Well little did Mrs Blonyx know that Sandra Lane had become an enemy. Sandra had asked Mrs. Blonyx to babysit her 3 children. Two boys, Pat age 10, Charlie, age 9, and daughter Kayla age 6 which she did after babysitting these kids plus her own 2 boys, exhausted after working, preparing something to eat. Sandra Lane asked to do Mrs Bloynx's hair which she did and it all came out. Also Mrs. Blonyx separated from her husband as he was an unbeliever. All these people moved into one house. Needless to say Mrs. Blonyx became someone else and her husband had threats on his life. This became an occult.

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