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Maurício Junior

Neoliberalismo and one practise monetary economic politician Após the
crisis of the oil, the government did not have public money to pay the
deficit, therefore it invested in the war. Then they had decided to
reduce the action of the state in the economy. As she functioned in
the Britain Supreme, this theory gained gallows Since then the state
only passed to preserve the order politics and economy, leaving the
free private companies to invest as they wanted Alem of this, the
States had started to desregulamentar and to privatize our companies.
Ahead of the generalized crisis, many economists had started to defend
the necessities of if for in a new economic policy practises. For
them, as form to reduce its expenses, the states would have to be
moved away from the productive activities and to leave the regular
market, freely the price of the goods and services. For in such a way
they considered the privatizations of the state-owned companies and
opening of the economy in relation to the domestic market. Alem of
this, the government would have to reduce its particpacoes in the
service of social assistance, transferring to this attribution the
private companies. The proper labor law, would have to be substituted
between masters and employees, thus weakening the paper of the
accuseds. This measure would stimulate the economic growth, taking
distribution better the wealth. Of the party conservative for the
Neoliberalismo, with great expansion Desativaram the program social,
and the mechanisms that supported the workers. These measures had made
economies in the countries, United States and Great-Britain, but they
had accented the inaquality social. The technological globalization
and the advance, regional reorganization commercial. It developed
itself from the Industrial Revolution. The industrial and maritime
revolution if gave through the capitalism of the globalization the new
chances had come with the globalization of the capital and the
pressing necessity of the capitalism occidental person to more than
find cheap workmanship and consumers for its products. Supported in
the economic Neoliberalismo, the globalization, it intensified the
flow of information, capitals and merchandise in the world all. The
globalization comes contributing for the social inaqualities,
increasing unemployment More than 80 to put one hundred they live
poor, and mainly in underdeveloped countries. The exclusion
fundamentalismo, and the picture of expansion of the wealth and
integration of the economies in world-wide scale, therefore its
departure in the increase to the unemployment Is about an integration
process at the same time of some exclusion of many.

Resumos Relacionados

- In Defense Of Globalization

- Capitalism, Globalization And Fundamentalism

- Globalisation (part 2)

- The Economics Of Global Warming

- Action Market, The "real Economy"

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