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A Voice Crying In The Wilderness
(Edward Abbey)

of the Latter Day Cowboys

Abbey died in 1989. He was still a young
man by today?s standards, only 62. But,
judging from his writings, Abbey was not the type of person to linger around
rest homes taking cancer therapy to prolong his life.

this little book, a ?Secret Journal,? Abbey expresses his thoughts in short,
pithy little sentences, which are highly quotable, if you care to quote
them. I do, care to quote them, that is,
because for me they expressed many of my thoughts. These are basically the ideas of a ?rebel,?
someone not quite willing to kneel down and pray to society?s ingrained fears,
of want, of famine, most of all, of death.

to Mr. Abbey.

ideal society can be described, quite simply, as one in which no man has the
power or means to coerce others.?

?The world of employer and employee, like the world of
master and slave, debases both.?

?Defiance is beautiful.?

is always the enemy of power.?

never was a good war or a bad revolution.?

deed is worth a thousand books.?

you get the idea. This man was a rebel,
at heart, but, like many of us, he really could only sublimate his
aggressiveness and write books about it, bringing the rest of us, closet
revolutionaries, along with him. He touts
action, but what could he do to change his society? Only write books.

thank him for that. Like Ernie Andrews sings about
Charlie Parker, ?The Bird was here, and now he?s gone?but the Memory of the
Bird still lives on.?

is not a writer you will soon forget, nor will society. He?s out of society?s way now, but his ideas,
some have called them ?anarchist,? live on.
No one can take on society, in the long run. It?s heroic, and stimulating, but, as Abbey
was in the habit of saying to people spinning him various social projects, ?So

about society and look inside yourself.
That?s where the answers are.


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